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A Quick look into AMA USF's Regional Conference

The American Marketing Association Regional Collegiate Conference, which will be hosted at USF, is coming up quickly. It will take place in the Muma College of Business building from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Saturday, November 12th. The conference involves activities that improve students' and future marketers' skills, knowledge, and mindset. It is a great opportunity to learn from and network with experienced business leaders and other students.

Speakers from notorious institutions like Deloitte, Raymond James, Tampa Bay Rays, and Tampa Bay Lightning will be there to discuss matters regarding marketing and sales strategy. There will be competitions to encourage participants to practice what they have learned so far, a lunch and coffee break to socialize, and every attendee will receive an official participant kit and event T-shirt.

This is certainly a great opportunity for marketing and sales students to capitalize on the events organized by the Muma College of Business and the American Marketing Association Chapter at USF which is one of the Top 20 best collegiate chapters in the Nation. Just showing up is the first step for students to network, listening to experienced speakers from those top-notch institutions is one of the best ways to prepare for a career within the business world, and the activities with cash prizes are a great way for students to work on their competitive instinct and sharpening their marketing skills.


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